

Stenton specializes in helping businesses design and implement sustainable growth strategies. We also assist companies with digital transformation plans and processes. Successfully executing these strategies will impact your entire organization and most stakeholders.

Stenton has helped several corporations changing their products, processes, and organizations. We used digital technologies, ranging from launching e-commerce platforms, content creation and reuse programs. But also digital subscription models, and amplifying reach and impact through social media.

Stenton was closely involved in successfully scaling up several post-startups. Hereby these corporations stayed on their sustainable growth trajectories. We realized this through streamlining processes and creating a stable IT environment. We also made sure that scalable marketing and sales channels were used. Furthermore, the leadership team had to be adjusted for the next phase of growth. Stenton both advised and implemented the chosen strategy.

The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) requires companies to report on their Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) impact. This includes disclosure of their business model, strategy, objectives, policies, and ESG action plans. Stenton provides expert advice on these requirements. We help corporations describing their integrated corporate and sustainability strategy and achieving the sustainability goals. We are committed to contributing to People, Planet, and Profit.

Interim management

Stenton is an ideal choice for companies seeking interim managers for implementation of sustainable growth- and digital transformation strategies. Because we focus on these domains, Stenton provides a unique perspective and approach to interim management. We emphasize the need for companies to adapt to the rapidly changing landscape.

Stenton’s interim managers have the experience to quickly analyze the situation and come up with a feasible transformation strategy. Furthermore, we excel in creating buy-in in your organization and leading the implementation.

Overall, Stenton’s expertise make us an ideal partner for any company looking to navigate the challenges of sustainable scaling and digital transformation.



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